We Provide The Best Email Marketing Solutions To Promote Your Business : • Sales • Branding • Publicity • Strength etc.

Reporting Panel of Email Marketing Campaign to Every Customer :

  • We provide a unique enquries panel with password & user ID to every customer.
  • Customer will get following 5 reports on this control panel regarding his email marketing.
  • Delivery email report :
    You can check your email marketing status Date & Time wise.
  • Email open reporting :
    You’ve crated and sent the perfect email campaign, but how many people opened it and when? Data tells you this and more.
    From the statistics tab you can see exactly who opened your email and when. View the data as a visually appealing bar chart or as a data table with more detail.
  • Link click tracking report :
    See which links were clicked, by who and when. Your sales products by clicking a link in your email. Talk about making contact at the right time.
  • Email bounce tracking report :
    Bounces are handled for you automatically and you can view reports showing which email addresses bounced. When and why, with an exact error message from the email provider, such as “Email address doen’t exist”
  • Unsubscribe reporting :
    See unsubscribe statistics for each email campaign you send, either for a specific date or over time. You can view the details of everyone who unsubscribed and see the unsubscribe rate relative to open and bounce rates.